Roland DG has announced that it will sponsor FAB9 as a Vision Sharing Partner, Platinum Sponsor. The weeklong event will be held in Yokohama from August 21-27, 2013.

A Fab Lab (Fabrication Laboratory) is an open workshop offering digital fabrication as well as analog tools with the aim to make "almost anything." The concept was originally proposed by Prof. Dr. Neil Gershenfeld, the Director of the Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The Fab Lab concept quickly became popular and Fab Labs have spread from inner-city Boston to rural India, and from South Africa to the North of Norway. There are currently upwards of 200 Fab Lab locations in 50 countries around the world.
FAB9 is the ninth annual Fab Lab forum and gathering of Fab Lab managers, core members, FAB researchers and reflective practitioners from the global Fab Lab network and beyond. A packed week of activities includes dialogue sessions, hands-on workshops and a one-day symposium offered by Global FAB LAB Network based on the theme of "PERSONAL FABRICATION as the dawn of New Renaissance." FAB9 is hosted by The Social Fabrication Laboratory at Keio University SFC in Japan, in conjunction with the CBA at MIT, Yokohama Creative Center (YCC) and the Global Fab Lab Network (including Fab Lab Japan Network). More than 200 Fab Lab representatives from countries all over the world are expected to take part.


Roland DG Australia

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